Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Lebanon is Finally on the Map

Dear Lebanon

You finally made it on google earth. Although it is not perfect yet, higher definition satellite and arial imagery is now available for you on google earth.
I have an exam tomorrow at 9:00 am and it is already late (1:30 am), but I just couldn't help myself locating the places where I grew up and spent the first 25 years of my life.

Anyway, I should get my ass to bed now, but first I would like to say that I am coming back for vacation in 10 days, so get ready for some new posts.

Meanwhile, I found this weird image of the Zouk area, where some water (I hope not chemicals) is being dropped in the sea and causing a strange pattern in the water all the way to Samaya and Solemar in Kaslik. Have a look below !!!

(click on the photo for a higher resolution version)


Sandie said...

Ha Ha , you are funny! you mean you did not know about all these drain pipes? Let me tell you a secret, there is not only one! My family lives at safra, they say with the war and all, they cannot go to the beach anymore because of the oil spills, the water is just black! But I enjoyed reading your blog. sandie

Anonymous said...

Michael & Sandie...
The Lebanese coastline is not 100% yet but it's not as bad as you might think. In fact, you can't notice it from shore...

Btw, that water pipe is from the Zouk Power Station - it's not polluted water... It's from the raditator and cooling systems from the plant... Why do you think theres resorts nearby? Do you really think they'd be in that position if the waters were heavily polluted...

Lebanon News - Aggregated by Google