Friday, December 03, 2004

The Lebanese TOP 5

Friday at last... The weekend is here and it looks like it's going to be sunny with few clouds on Sunday.

First of all, I would like to thank my friends Tony, Anthony and Roy for helping me improve the website. I also want to thank all those who commented on the stories, and those who sent emails to encourage me...

Now that I have a good number of readers, I want to introduce a new section.
I want to create the "The Lebanese TOP 5".
For example, I will put the names of 4 people I believe the Lebanese people hate the most.
You as visitors of the site will have to choose among the 4 choices or select the 5th choice for "other" and name it.
At the end of the week, I will reveal the results and start another poll.
The topics will be diversified, and hopefully it will reflect the opinion of most Lebanese.
I expect to start this section by the end of next week.

Please email your ideas for "The Lebanese TOP 5" to

Until then, Have a nice weekend and see you again on Monday!!!

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